SPM 2K16
Assalamualaikum and hi. this entry might help some of you. after spm results FOR THOSE WHO WILL BE SITTING SPM: 1. STUDY DARI SEKARANG Sama ada study hard or study smart, do it now! you will regret it later if you do revisions and study last minute. I'm personally not a last minute -study person. I cant study smart so its kinda exhausted to study hard. 2.ALWAYS PUT ALLAH AND FAMILY FIRST. you wont succeed without this two blessings. Eventhough you always be the best, but if you dont worship god, trust me, your life has no value. Without family, you wont have the pleasure to study and wont have their blessing. 3. RESPECT OTHERS ESPECIALLY TEACHERS TAK SEMUA ORANG YANG TOP, THE BEST NI RETI HORMAT ORANG. when you have attitude, you will have altitude. Kalau kau baik, reti hormat orang, orang akan rela tolong kau balik.Cikgu tu banyak bagi ilmu, jadi hormat dorang. our addmath teacher! we love her hehe 4. JANGAN SELFISH! Always share...