
Showing posts from March, 2017

SPM 2K16

Assalamualaikum and hi. this entry might help some of you. after spm results FOR THOSE WHO WILL  BE SITTING SPM: 1. STUDY DARI SEKARANG Sama ada study  hard or study smart, do it now! you will regret it later if you do revisions and study last minute. I'm personally not a last minute -study person. I cant study smart so its kinda exhausted to study hard. 2.ALWAYS PUT ALLAH AND FAMILY FIRST. you wont succeed without this two blessings. Eventhough you always be the best, but if you dont worship god, trust me, your life has no value.  Without family, you wont have the pleasure to study and wont have their blessing. 3. RESPECT OTHERS ESPECIALLY TEACHERS TAK SEMUA ORANG YANG TOP, THE BEST NI RETI HORMAT ORANG. when you have attitude, you will have altitude. Kalau kau baik, reti hormat orang, orang akan rela tolong kau balik.Cikgu tu banyak bagi ilmu, jadi hormat dorang. our addmath teacher! we love her hehe 4. JANGAN SELFISH! Always share...


" A picnic is more than eating a meal, it is a pleasurable state of mind" - DeeDee Stovel gadis dan belon entrance to the beauty place! Assalamualaikum, yeah guys, nak tanya bila last korang berparty sambil tengok keindahan alam? Aku jamin ada certain dah berzaman tak berpicnic party with nature. Okay as usual lah this is one of Cesta 16 punya programme ( picnic party), its starry cestars punya gathering, aku bedal je cakap party time sebab aku rasa cam betul- betul fun that time! tapi tapi tapi aku taknak cakap pasal Cesta 16 hari ni sebenarnya sebab aku teringat pasal kisah silam about this post hehehe. Last aku berparty ( i mean picnic party tau guys jangan pikiaq bukan bukan naaaa, im not liar tho hahaha) time aku umur setahun dulu kot. Tak tahulah kalau ada lagi lepas tu tapi setakat ni kotak memori aku logically accept time aku umur setahun sebab? haaa sebab ada gambar aku bahagia kat taman time tuuu. Time tu guys, sorry adik aku takde lagi hi...