MY FIRST BOYFRIEND I have known him for 8 years and forever, 24/7 I am with him no matter in what situation or matter during those 8 years. He was there during my ups and downs, when I am alone or with my family and friends. Let me introduce you to my first boyfriend JENG JENG JENG MY WATCH hahahah gottcha! Some of you might feel like want to cursed thinking that “my first boyfriend” is a human being hahahahaha. Okay sorry guys, but I just want to capture my last moment with him. I bought him when I was standard 5 and that was my very first watch (the real one and expensive one). At first I am afraid to bring him to school cause my parents already warn me to make sure the watch alive in good condition for ATLEAST 3 YEARS. Whoaaa taking care of things when you still in primary school is not easy lagi-lagi kalau jenis buas and lasak kerja nak main je hahahaha. But that kind of “adult” in me said “come on you can take care of it, at least it is easier than taking ...