Assalamualaikum, yayy new entry pop out!

Its been a while since the last entry and about vacation is coming soon.

But for now, let’s talk about this kinda sensitive but many people have thought about it.


Honestly, daripada aku tadika, sekolah until now, Universiti. I never like my name, its not like I hate it but I just cannot accept what people said and react when they first know my name.
“Hah Ami? Ani?” Yeap always and every single time. My second name is Syazwina but I don’t really like people call me with this name, don’t know why. “ Nape susah sangat eja, berbelit nak tulis”. I agree that my name is hard to pronounce and to spell. I admit. And aku tak rasa aku sorang je rasa camni.

Aku rasa semua orang/majoriti akan rasa “Nape parents aku pilih nama ni ek? Nape nama aku cam lelaki/perempuan?” Bila kau lelaki tapi nama cam perempuan, nak lagi kawan ejek nama kau cam pondan dan seangkatan dengannya. Sama jugak dengan perempuan, nama cam lelaki kena ejek pastu kena psycho nama plus perangai cam tomboy/ pengkid.

Ah, one more thing , yang ada nama surname (nama family) pon satu hal. This is the most sensitive things ever kalau kena ejek nak-nak lagi bila nama family kau terlalu gah atau kelakar. Yang tu, sape yang down sebab nama family korang lawak or horrible, takkan nak sampai putus talian darah sebab kau malu dengan nama tu? Aku faham kalau kau malu/ rasa benci and geram bila kena kecam sebab nama but you gotta no choice cause its SURNAME!

But hey,
You know what, just think the positive side. Kita kan bakal-bakal pemimpin yang kuat mental fizikal and open minded. Cuba korang amik tindakan positive dengan cari apa maksud nama kau lepastu try bring that character in your life. Kalau maksud nama kau kepandaian, try bawak character kepandaian dalam semua aspek hidup kau. Kalau nama kau maksud cahaya, permata and apa pon, semua maksud-maksud baik try bring that character out. Jangan fikir nama kau horrible, pelik, tak sedap.

At the end, itu sebenarnya harapan mak ayah kau letak nama tu sebab dorang nak maksud-maksud tu ada dekat kau. Ignore apa orang nak ejek,cakap nama kau tu. Prove them wrong. Jadikan nama kau daripada selalu diejek jadi someone yang hebat, Berjaya and bring something good to family, society or even country and make orang yang ejek kau tu terkesima and tetiba plak selalu sebut nama kau.

Itu sahaja entry kali ni. Hope it helps boost your self esteem.


  1. Hanis rase name amni ni unik and sedap. Kind of true sometime. Sbb nama hanis ni universal. Boleh jadi lelaki and perempuan. And nice post amni.. keep it up!!

    1. hehe thank you hanis :) anything fikir positive cause semua maksud ada nama baik


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