Setelah sekian lama berhabuk, maka hidup jugak blog ni. Well im just procrastinating and been so hectic these days since exam is just around the corner. Well, sedar tak sedar its few days more before we enter 2019! (I already feel so old) T.T

I dont really feel so excited to enter 2019 because haih lets just be real im gonna be 20 next year and there will be no "teen" anymore. Boleh bayang tak kau pergi rumah sedara-sedara pastu ada orang tanya " Umur berapa?" dan kau dengan menahan rasa sedih dan pilu balas " 20 tahun". Okay fikir je dah nak buat aku meraung because i still want to be that teenagers age. AND I KENOT CELEBRATE NEW YEAR WITH MY FAMS BECAUSE I HAVE EXAMS. UGHH!  

Okay enough with babblings and nonsense, lets get into the topic. Alhamdulillah for 2018,  6/13 resolutions of mine manage to be accomplished this year. Fuhh 7 tak berjaya due to factor tak consistent and berhenti setengah jalan maa. 

I watched some of videos about building your resolutions and discover something that well, most of us do the mistakes when planning our resolutions. Meh aku share so that all of us can stick to our resolutions better and berjaya accomplished it.


Lets be real. We usually write our resolutions in a big chunk and not specific. As for example, kau letak "jogging" as your 2019 resolution but trust me you end up wont do it because you will procrastinate and end up takkan buat until we enter 2020. Instead of write it generally, break it into small chunk. Perhaps, jogging setiap hari sabtu or do 10 push up a day, walk 30 minutes a day. It helps you to stay consistent and of course the result will be splendid and you will feel the urge to do it since its already specific and your mind will be like " Oh hari ini sabtu, kena jog"!


If you want to do something new and probably newbie in it but yeah you have the spirit wow hold on and take a deep breath. Instead of jumping on doing it boldly it is better to plan and do small things or take a baby steps. As for example, you might want to try to hiking, let say your 2019 punya azam nak tawan kota kinabalu but takkan the day you nak pergi hiking tu you pergi without preparation physical and mental kan. Tak pernah-pernah buat benda baru yang tough and tetiba you nak meluru buat. Cari maut namanya. Instead you need to do the baby steps like okay pergi jogging dulu, join marathon, tawan bukit broga, masuk hutan macam taman negara then you are well prepared to tawan kota kinabalu.

Oh yeah if your resolution 2019 you want to tawan your crush punya hati, sorry sis kenot help laa hahahaha.


Bukan senang nak konsisten bila buat satu benda that is why you need to keep on track. By doing tracking, you will know wether your habit to achieve your resolution berjaya ke tak.

 Let me give you example, let say i want to efficiently study without any distraction especially my phone, so i naak study 30 minutes and take 5 as a break and total masa study yang efficient on that day must be 2 hours. So i can either set alarm 30 minutes and ask someone to keep my phone to make me focus studying and consistent. But it is much easier to use app on your phone, for this case you can use app name Forest where you can set the time when you want to study or time for you to read a book, do stuff without procrastinating and distracted by playing with your phone. 

You can also build your habit by do a daily to do list. If you manage to do it today tick done, if not? Well you can do it now. There are so many apps that you can istall to track your habit like performing 5 solat a day, track wether you already read quran or book today, have you exercise or not today. It just the matter you want it or not :)


Okay, dont panic and most importantly, dont give up. Its normal to break it especially on the beginning. What you should do is try again tomorrow. Its okay just treat is as your cheat day kalau you betul- betul tak sengaja. But if you forget to often, maybe you should do some small punishment for yourself in order to make sure you are on track and discipline. You can do punishment like okay kalau you tak accomplish it or terlupa you kena kutip 10 sampah yang you jumpa kat sekeliling or sedekah RM5 ringgit kat masjid or dekat orang, siapkan 10 page revision ke, do push up 2 kali ganda and many more that will help to discipline you as well as give good result lah. Jangan pulak kau lempang diri kau nak oii. Its okay all start with baby steps.

At the end In Sha Allah we can do it and manage to complete our resolutions. It does not have to be big, bold and fancy, it can be as small, specific, cliche and simple one but in result it can give a positive impact in your life.

And if you did it, you berjaya accomplish your resolutions, please reward yourself with something nice or delicious. You deserve it!

That's it from me. One of my resolutions for next year is to read 6 general knowledge books (minimum) next year within a year. By hook or by crook must achieve it! If you dont mind, do share what is your resolutions and share how you accomplish them :)

Thank you and i wish a happy new year everyone. Lets be a better version of yourself!  <3- Amni- 


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