
Diploma in microbiology.

Assalamualaikum and olla! Alhamdulillah akhirnya aku berjaya habiskan diploma in microbiology di UiTM kuala Pilah! 2 and a half year. It was fun, fantastic, hard but worth every smile and tears during those period. Tujuan aku buat post ini bukanlah untuk menceritakan pengalaman aku sahaja tapi bertujuan untuk untuk  memberi pencerahan tentang course microbiology kepada adik- adik yang mungkin nak masuk course ini tapi tak familiar dengan nama dan apa yang korang akan belajar. Meh aku cerita serba sedikit tentang course yang aku rasa masyarakat sudah sedar kepentingan jurusan ini selepas isu covid 19 yang menular dunia. Aku yakin course seperti ini akan berkembang pada masa hadapan di negara kita lagi-lagi dari sudut pembangunan negara. Okay step 1, apa itu microbiology? Course ini sebenarnya berkaitan dengan benda halus atau microorganism sama ada unicellular atau multicellular yang memberi impak kepada manusia, haiwan, environment, dunia dan sebagainya. Luas sektor course


Asalamualaikum everyone, FUHH  it's been a crazy year, crazy 2020! By the time i post this new post, its been few months dunia digemparkan dengan serangan COVID 19. I hope every person in this earth take this matter seriously and atleast know the basic of this popular disease in 2020. Lemme brief a bit about this disease as a basic knowledge for all of us. Before that i have never thought that what i learn during diploma, it will happen massively or become pandemic again! I just learnt about coronavirus disease on my last semester last year 2019 and never thought it will be applied this soon! (jkjk) For those yang terpinga-pinga what is happening, what is corona virus, why it is named as COVID 19 (by this time everyone already know what it is) let's refresh shall we? Coronavirus is a type of virus where in greek it means crown. Corona = crown. Structure dia memang macam ada crown that known as spike. (Image of coronavirus under electron microscope) S


Assalamualaikum. Ya dalam busy aku tengah final ni, menyempat lagi aku nak update blog aku ni. Sekarang ni isu saman- menyaman akibat kutukan dan makian sangat hangat dipasaran. Viral dari Instagram ke facebook dan paling meletops dekat twitter. Haruslah! Dulu kan zaman aku hingusan lagi main twitter masa tu start form 1 kot baru aku main twitter, semua tweet2 individu macam diari tau. Kau boleh tweet apa sahaja, apa kau rasa tapi macam berkenaan diri engkau lah. Takde or jaranglah kutuk mengutuk orang lain ni. Kadang-kadang nak pergi tandas pon update kat twitter tau. "Brb, nak pergi tandas kejap." Tapi sekarang, I tell you baik twitter, facebook ataupun Instagram semua sangat toxic. Semua nak kejar likes popularity. Semua benda dari sebesar-besar hal sehingga sekecil-kecil hatta semengarut-ngarut hal pon semua orang nak bagi pendapat ya termasuklah aku HAHAHAHA. Tapi sabar! tak habis cakap lagi ni. Tak salah nak bagi pendapat tapi bagi aku lebih baik tegur atau beri p


classmates yang lawa2 and handsome2 Assalamulaiakum aku tup-tup dah syawal menjelma, final pon lagi 2 minggu je lagi hahahaha. Hari ni dah raya ke 3 tahun 2019, amacam raya korang? Food comma tak?! Hahahaha aku belum lagii kau sabar tunggu sabtu ahad nanti haha. Raya aku biasa je sambut seadanya kena beringat final nak dekat. Tapi ramadhan kali ni bermakna jugak lah buat aku hehehe. Izinkan aku menggamit dan menyimpan kenangan mungkin yang terakhir bersama mereka ini. Macam biasalah kalau kau student UiTM kau mesti berpuasa kat Universiti punya, jarang lah dapat berpuasa dengan keluarga. Nak-nak lagi puasa kali ni dekat dengan hujung sem maka bergunung assignments, lab report yang nak kena submit and tests yang berduyun setiap hari yaa hahah.  Jadi masa puasa ni agak tough lah tapi at the same time seronok jugak lah. Masa sem 1 dulu sahur mesti nak nasi. Gigih lah pukul 3 ke 4 pagi pi beli nasi kat anjung tapi tidak semester ini, aku sahur kurma, biskut,nestum and


                Setelah sekian lama berhabuk, maka hidup jugak blog ni. Well im just procrastinating and been so hectic these days since exam is just around the corner. Well, sedar tak sedar its few days more before we enter 2019! (I already feel so old) T.T I dont really feel so excited to enter 2019 because haih lets just be real im gonna be 20 next year and there will be no "teen" anymore. Boleh bayang tak kau pergi rumah sedara-sedara pastu ada orang tanya " Umur berapa?" dan kau dengan menahan rasa sedih dan pilu balas " 20 tahun". Okay fikir je dah nak buat aku meraung because i still want to be that teenagers age. AND I KENOT CELEBRATE NEW YEAR WITH MY FAMS BECAUSE I HAVE EXAMS. UGHH!   Okay enough with babblings and nonsense, lets get into the topic. Alhamdulillah for 2018,  6/13 resolutions of mine manage to be accomplished this year. Fuhh 7 tak berjaya due to factor tak consistent and berhenti setengah jalan maa.  I watch


If you are in relationship, have you feel something wrong with your relationship or with the guy/girl you are with? Or  You feel empty even you are in relationship? Cry all night most of the days and rarely laugh when you are with him/her? Thinking or dilusion what will you feel if you are with other person and the new guy/girl can treat you better? Overthinking and insecure like hell and blame yourself or your partner and feeling exhausted because you tried so hard to fix this relationship but nothing change? I attend to Yasmin Mogahed talk recently, and this one lady, If you look at her once, you might think she is pretty with smile on her face, she looks happy to me. During the Q&A session, she told the audience that her previous marriage is abusive and she met a new guy hoping to find happiness but unfortunately, the second guy was more abusive mental and physical. It is really toxic and she is the victim. She blamed herself. Is it the definition of toxic

Lost World Of Tambun, Ipoh-Best memories ever!

Assalamualaikum. It's been ages since I update my blog. But don't worry today's story I'll make sure it give you something as input. I know everyone will have this in your bucket list or your life goals which is to TRAVEL WITH YOUR BFF. Alhamdulillah after almost a decade being bff, finally I got travel with my girls and our destination is Ipoh. Its been awhile since people talk about Ipoh, we all know it has its own culture, history and attraction and of course it is in our list as one of the most cheapest or affordable place to go when you don't have that much money (like us hahahha). Kitaorang bertolak 25 July (Rabu) sebab taknak rushing and naik bas dari TBS ke Ipoh, lebih kurang  2-3 jam Sampai lah since kitaorang pergi weekdays so takde jam ke banyak kereta ke apa. Sampai-sampai je kitaorang check in hotel dekat Sunn-Inn hotel (hotel bajet). Since kitaorang tidur 2 malam so duit hotel bahagi 5 orang hehe. hotel kitaorang duduk for 5 orang 2 que