4 IN 1

Assalamualaikum and hai! I'm back! sorry sebab lama tak update, So let's make this one short okay? This post will be about 4 stories in 1 entry! Hope you guys enjoy it🙆🏻

1. Teen2Teen episode 3

sesi interview dengan pakar! uuuu puan nurul is lovely, trust me!

Okay, untuk korang yang tak tahu sebenarnya I'm currently jadi  host for Cesta16 production (search je kat youtube Cesta16 production) hehehe.

i am one of the host! it is fun and i love it!
Dalam channel ni (dalam youtube) its all about teenagers! sambil berseronok, kita share knowledge dengan korang semua tau!  This episode pasal health so tajuk dia "sihat ke sado?"
And believe me kalau sape yang nak sihat and nak diet or want to balance your weight, this episode suits you well!
lemme tell you,
search kat youtube Cesta16 production and tadaaa watch all of it!

2. English cambride part 2

So hari tu second class jadi apa kitaorang buat dalam kelas ?kitaorang actually baca buku pride and prejudice sorang2 tau one page so yeap kitaorang belajar about spelling and how to pronounce the words! Ayyy so interesting with bahasa tinggi2 ni huhu and we have task to do as usual lah practice makes perfect! So what we need to do is :
    a. Continue reading pride and prejudice
    b. Write a journal (like diary) everyday
    c. Try tongue twister everyday infront of mirror

So yeah FIGHTING for those who studying and working! We can do it!

3. Panah hati awak part 2

Hahaha okay tajuk takleh blah kan.
Kelas memanah kedua ni not a good shots from me lah huhu cedih
Miss shots banyak gila and my hands was shaking oi so boleh kira ngn jari je berapa yang kena points
Actually dia ajar kita supaya jangan fikir memanah ni senang sangat hah focus and technique paling penting, but its okay tak gagal takkan berjaya kan?  In sha Allah gonna do much better next time!


majlis perasmian BOOK CAFE
oh, that's abang afiq kim hehehe
and VIP semua kat depan hehe
 Walaupun aku bukan lah ahli volunteers atau di Cesta16 kita panggil volunteers ni (remaja penyebar kegembiraan) tapi lemme tell you guys! I'm so proud and sangat kagum dengan orang2 yang berjaya ubah suai pusat sumber dia taman seri puteri cheras ni jadi satu book cafe ala ala santai hah! Sangat selesa and i asked penghuni kat situ tau

" korang suka tak ada book cafe tu?"
And most of them kata
 "suka sangat! Seronok sebab selesa and cantik"
"Selalu guna tak? Buku2 dia best tak?"
"Selalu! Best sangat2"
and ada yang cam nak nangis so aku stop lah karang aku pon leleh sekali hahahaa.

and this is zafirah
she is one of remaja penyebar kegembiraan.
proud of them!

Kenapa aku terharu bila ada penghargaan kat book cafe situ walaupun aku tak tolong pon? Sebab tu tempat first,episode 1 aku jadi host Teen2Teen and amazed sebab remaja cam dorang boleh transform and bagi khidmat kat masyarakat, in sha Allah lepas ni aku akan try untuk campur tangan and masuk jadi volunteer in sha Allah!

If you curious about Cesta16, lemme know and in sha Allah i will do one entry about apa tu Cesta16 *wink*

plaque kat belakang tu hasil karya kak sabrina ariffin
i am amazed, and learn a lot about art from her!


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